Unless you worked out how to manually place the code exactly at the coordinates you needed, accounting for the model being moved, shrinkage from cooling, etc.. there is no way to restart a print.

What you're dealing with is unfortunately common and you need to address the issue itself to prevent the jam from ever happening to begin with. The problem is that it could be a hundred different things.. from the nozzle impacting the model itself due to part warpage/peeling, a mechanical failure in the extruder (incorrect pressure/etc), or even a problem with the filament itself.

One of the early upgrades I did to my 2x (I had one of the first ones they built, not sure if they've changed) was to replace the extruders with an aluminum version somebody on a forum had built (devilsinthedetails.ca I believe).. ended up being a -lot- more consistent for me.

Assuming your extruder is the same as my original version, you may just need to adjust the tension in the spring levers.

Check your part for any warping or peeling of layers.. if it gets too high it can impact the nozzle and cause a jam very quickly.