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  1. #1
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    Sep 2015
    South Australia

    FlashForge Creator Pro user need some help


    I just purchased a FlashForge Creator Pro, from an Aussie store, It has been pretty good so far but I have had a few problems that I really need some help with to get back up and printing again! I have tried messaging Flashforge and the store, but no one is replying

    And I have made a few half prints with limited success, the following are the main problems for me:

    • (this has been a nightmare) The filament keeps coming loose and getting tangled at the back of the unit, which has hindered the print many a time, from the time I put the supplied ABS 1KG filament onto the holder it just kept springing out and this has led to most problems in my opinion, is there a known solution for this, do all filament spools have this problem? this is frustrating!
    • The bed leveling has been difficult , I think due to the juttering from the filament feed it keeps going out of whack and also due to my lack of experience!,
    • I need to change the blue sticker on the bed as it has become damaged (see image) I was doing the traffic cone test, and I noticed it was not coming out properly, then I realized at which point it was too late, that it was digging into the bed and since then it did not print, the filament no longer comes out of both extruders and I cannot print, the nozzles seem clogged!
    • I cannot find any info on cleaning the MK9 Dual Extruder nozzles, can anyone help?
    • I also need help on replacing the bed material do I just peel the blue sticker that is on there now, and place on a new one?

    I have attached some images with this email for your reference, if you could give me some advice on how to fix it that would be awesome!!!
    If anyone needs help with Cad and 3D Design I can help in that department!
    Attached Images Attached Images
    • File Type: jpg 3.jpg (85.2 KB, 24 views)
    • File Type: jpg 1.jpg (74.9 KB, 21 views)
    • File Type: jpg 2.jpg (59.1 KB, 23 views)
    Last edited by anthony27; 09-11-2015 at 01:07 AM. Reason: Spelling

  2. #2
    Senior Engineer
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    Jun 2014
    Burnley, UK
    Once you have allowed the end of the filament to relax onto the spool the only way to stop it jamming is to wind it onto another spool and do not let go of the end. If you do not do that then you have to put up with it jamming until it is used up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    South Australia
    Oh dear I don't have anything useful to re-spool it at the moment, but thanks for the advice,
    So is this a common occurrence, I think its best to mount the filament onto the spool holder and then feed it in a bit, then take off the tape?

  4. #4
    Senior Engineer
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    Burnley, UK
    However you do it you cannot ever let go of the end, if you do it will nearly always go under one of the turns on the spool and from then on it will not come off the spool without jamming and doing lots of stupid stuff. If it makes you feel better I should add that this particular lesson is one that everyone learns the hard way when they start 3d printing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    South Australia
    Thank you
    my ego feels a little lesser bruised now!
    I have a huge learning curve ahead

  6. #6
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    I'd recommend you read through geoffs tips and tricks thread. Most of your issues will be mentioned.

    read through both of those and you'll be a much wiser man and competent 3d printer user.

    Usually the weight of the reel keeps the filament tight against the reel.
    You do have to be careful when loading from a full reel. And as mj says - don't let go of the end, get if into that feed tube as soon as possible. :-)
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 09-11-2015 at 06:05 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    South Australia

    its working!

    Thankyou Curious Aardvark, for sending me the post from Geoff, got it working , cranked the extruders upto 250 and fed the tube manually by depressing the lever, took a while but they both started working, now I a mid print for the wire stand off! glorious
    I could not find anything about taking the bluw sticker off the buildplate, any suggestions?
    ive also noted the machine has a fair bit of vibration at various points of the print is that normal? almost like its grinding a bit
    also see pic attached,
    20150911_215131.jpg20150911_215131.jpg i have the build plate at 110 but still a bit of curl on the raft

    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    I'd recommend you read through geoffs tips and tricks thread. Most of your issues will be mentioned.

    read through both of those and you'll be a much wiser man and competent 3d printer user.

    Usually the weight of the reel keeps the filament tight against the reel.
    You do have to be careful when loading from a full reel. And as mj says - don't let go of the end, get if into that feed tube as soon as possible. :-)
    Last edited by anthony27; 09-11-2015 at 07:23 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by anthony27 View Post

    I just purchased a FlashForge Creator Pro, from an Aussie store, It has been pretty good so far but I have had a few problems that I really need some help with to get back up and printing again! I have tried messaging Flashforge and the store, but no one is replying

    And I have made a few half prints with limited success, the following are the main problems for me:

    • (this has been a nightmare) The filament keeps coming loose and getting tangled at the back of the unit, which has hindered the print many a time, from the time I put the supplied ABS 1KG filament onto the holder it just kept springing out and this has led to most problems in my opinion, is there a known solution for this, do all filament spools have this problem? this is frustrating!

    It's not you, the filament feed as designed simply doesn't work. Easily solved by printing this filament guide:

    • The bed leveling has been difficult , I think due to the juttering from the filament feed it keeps going out of whack and also due to my lack of experience!,

    Bed leveling is something you just have to get used to, two things people overlook: make sure is that no filament is left hanging out of the extruder before you level, preheat your bed (not extruder!) before you level (careful not to burn yourself)

    • I need to change the blue sticker on the bed as it has become damaged (see image) I was doing the traffic cone test, and I noticed it was not coming out properly, then I realized at which point it was too late, that it was digging into the bed and since then it did not print, the filament no longer comes out of both extruders and I cannot print, the nozzles seem clogged!

    • I cannot find any info on cleaning the MK9 Dual Extruder nozzles, can anyone help?
    • I also need help on replacing the bed material do I just peel the blue sticker that is on there now, and place on a new one?

    Just rip it off and be ready with a ton of acetone to clean up the mess it leaves behind. I highly suggest upgrading to a glass build plate. If you go with glass, don't bother with the printable corner clamps--they don't hold the glass steady, also stay away from the metal paper clips which your extruder will hit. Either use some kapton/pet tape to hold it down, or use a 0.5mm thick silicon thermal pad.

    I have attached some images with this email for your reference, if you could give me some advice on how to fix it that would be awesome!!!
    If anyone needs help with Cad and 3D Design I can help in that department!
    comments in red

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    South Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by djprinter View Post
    comments in red
    Hi DjPrinter,
    thanks for the info, I have downloaded the filament guide, I have redesigned it in Cad and added some personal touches! see image attached, I couldnt help naming my printer,
    I think I have the bed levelling under control now,
    I have read that its best to peel the blue tape of when its hot to avoid residue, maybe I will wera some gloves!
    could you give me some more info regarding the glass bed, what are the pros and cons of it?
    Cheers and thanks

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    South Australia
    Hi All,
    so it has been a week since I began printing,
    here are my trial and tribulations thus far,

    - I tried replicator, Slic3r and Maker ware,
    - Maker ware is the product of choice so far,I want to get into the full detailed software once I know what the heck i am doing ha-ha,
    - I have made some fairly decent prints, a few brackets, tools and figurines.
    - I am a bit lost with Maker ware in the sense, that I am not sure what speeds things should be moving at, and I have used the defaults, I guess its hard to come up with some universal parameters for testing the machine, but if you have some thoughts it would be helpful!, especially temperatures and speeds.
    - I am using the two default ABS filament rolls supplied by the 3d print superstore, but I have ordered new PLA filament from Bilby CNC, (The reason being the other store, offers no tech support by the looks of things!)
    - The fumes of the ABS are quite strong and we don't require the use of the heater anymore in my house at night!
    - the Bed is incredibly hard to get level, and I have noticed the left nozzle is always touching the bed whilst the right nozzle is loose, either the bed is warped or the nozzles are misaligned?
    - the prints don't stick to the bed anymore at the raft stage, they just curl up and then the nozzle takes them on a vacation around the printer! think it may be time to switch to glass!, does any one know where to get the right kit?
    - when I try printing a cube, the first vertex is usually skipped and the print usually ends up curling and also burning, the other three corners are usually ok
    - I have tried making the Marvin print, but it keeps failing at the base of his helmet/body, same happens with a small sphere, impossible at this point
    - when printing something small, such as Marvin's legs the printer makes some hideous sounds, maybe a lack of support?
    - have had a lot of fun overall though, tonight I think I will try out the customizable bed level rectangle and see what that tells me
    - Also I am very keen to get into the 'finishing' stage of 3d prints, as a designer it would be useful to have 'real world looking' prototypes, is there athread that covers this, such as acetone, sanding painting etc?
    Last edited by anthony27; 09-16-2015 at 12:03 AM.

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