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  1. #71
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    Dec 2014
    Yes, S3d does have ts faults, the chief one being lack of good doumentation. understandable for free stuff but unacceptable at $140.
    It is my primary slicer though. As Mr. Aardvark says, Once you have it set up it stays setup. S3D support has been very helpful.
    Sometimes I still use MW though for very simple prints, and for some iinvolved dual extruder prints because MW will automatically line up both files which is very time consuming manually.

  2. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by sasabs View Post
    Yes, S3d does have ts faults, the chief one being lack of good doumentation. understandable for free stuff but unacceptable at $140.
    It is my primary slicer though. As Mr. Aardvark says, Once you have it set up it stays setup. S3D support has been very helpful.
    Sometimes I still use MW though for very simple prints, and for some iinvolved dual extruder prints because MW will automatically line up both files which is very time consuming manually.
    S3D Will line up duel extruder very quick if the model is done correctly. All you do is load each part of the model hold down the shift key and click the center button and it lines everything up.

    Also S3D Support forum is a good source of information the are 22 tip of the day post explaining all the functions in each tab.

  3. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    yeah narg - how many other programs have you played with ?

    I think slic3r is harder to use, cura easier, rep-g just a piece of crap that takes all bloody day to slice even simple models, not tried repetier host.
    Makerware is the easiest to use and gives decent results. But has a seriously annoying habit of resetting speed and temps when you click on anything not in the settings tab.
    The Dreamer is my 2nd 3D printer, so I've used a lot. No doubt most of the slicers out there are extremely confusing to anyone, old or new to 3D printing.

    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    And the beauty of s3d is that once you've got settings that work. They stay saved and always work.
    The layout does seperate similiar elements which makes it easier to use.
    That's no big deal, most slicers I've used are good a saving settings. Not sure why this is an issue that needs to be solved? And the FlashForge slicer also has element control similar (though easier) than S3D.

    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    But it's like everything - you have to learn how to use things to make things.

    I always more detail than less. Which equates to more control.
    You can use s3d in idiot mode - where you just pick between different preset settings.
    I have ever tried that - as I pretty much change certain things for every print. And they use way more infill than I tend to on most models.

    There are many options I've never messed with in s3d - because you don't need to.
    Herein lies the problem... The learning cycle.

    First, I've found the preset settings, like most 3D slicers, don't work well. You ALWAYS have to change something. You stated that you always change settings too, so not sure why you'd recommend defaults...
    Second, there are so many software packages for so many purposes today that show you don't have to hide things to make them simple. It's all a matter of interface design, and to me S3D's interface sucks big time. Seriously sucks. This is why I rated it "not simple"
    Last, if there is an option there you never use, why not? Was it too confusing or not well described or difficult to use? Possibly not needed, but how would you know of all the ones you've not used since there are no real instructions and the poor layout and design makes it difficult to learn their use and results.

    While I'm not saying it's a total waste of a program, it is powerful. What I'm saying is the term "simplify" was poorly chosen. "Empowered 3D" would be much more applicable to this software's abilities. Not Simple. Not at all.

  4. #74
    Technician 34Ford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucidpsykosis View Post
    I loved that too...which is why I do a couple rounds of a skirt. Gets rid of any hangies.

    After hours of trying different codes I did get simplify to do a pool in the corner and lay down a line to the part, but only for the one part.
    Problem is, simplify puts in its code after the initial start code which kills the code I put in the start code. Doh!

    So I went in and deleted the purge, and like you, I just let it do a skirt to get the flow we need.

  5. #75
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Nargg - if you know so much and have so much experience - why are you wingeing about things round here ?

    Settings you don't need to change - are simply that settings you don't need to change.
    The fact that you have the option is good. There might one day be a reason to change it.

    I find s3d very easy to use and extremely well laid out.
    You don't - but why argue about it ?

  6. #76
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    I love S3D.... I have had my FF Dreamer for less than a month and I can make ABS prints that I am quite satisfied with. PLA is a no brainer. The support structure control lets me create some pretty good parts with a fair amount of overhang. There are not too many options. There could be a few more actually. The layer controls for height, speed and temp help me out a lot in getting the print to stick and not curl. On models like this that have multiple overhanging structure that have to come together it helps a lot. I am not disappointed at all with the price/features.

  7. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by 34Ford View Post
    After hours of trying different codes I did get simplify to do a pool in the corner and lay down a line to the part, but only for the one part.
    Problem is, simplify puts in its code after the initial start code which kills the code I put in the start code. Doh!

    So I went in and deleted the purge, and like you, I just let it do a skirt to get the flow we need.
    If you want it to save your changes to the profile so it'll do that same purge every time, you'd have to select "Update Profile", near the top.

  8. #78

    Bad top and bottom layer

    Hello, I bought Simplify3d some day ago. I have some problems with the top and bottom layer. Printed with Flashforge Creator pro anc Colorfabb pla/pha silver.
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  9. #79
    Student wachuko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 34Ford View Post
    I hate the purge simplify does before printing. I love the way RepG feeds a little pool onto the corner then continues feeding the filament out while traveling to your part.
    I love this too...

    I need to find what the gcode is to get that back in Simplify3D... I still have not started using it (bought it on Sep 5th)... still using ReplicatorG

    I have been reading the manual... and reading the tips on the forum. Learned to day that I can remove/modify the amount and location of the supports. This is great.
    I need to get off my as* and get the darn software configure/fine-tuned to my printer. Default settings were definitely not optimal... reason why I went back to ReplicatorG to finish what I was doing. And also, doing this at 3am is not the best time to think clearly, lol.

  10. #80
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    The new version 3.0 - has gone back to the way makerware starts. A line along the front of the build plate, and doesn't need a skirt anymore.
    The last inch or so the head slows down and whatever they've done it keeps the filament in the nozzle and now starts printing immediately.

    Between that and proper solid infill - I'm a seriously happy bunny :-)

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