Quote Originally Posted by Eddie View Post
3DPrintBoard.com CONTEST: Win a Cubify Cube 3D Printer - Valued at $1,299, or one of 5 other great prizes as seen below.

Grand Prize - A Cubify Cube 3D Printer (Gray) with Power Cord - Valued at $1,299 (shipping will be paid for by us)
First Prize - $50 Amazon Gift card (provided to you via email)
Second Prize - $25 Amazon Gift card (provided to you via email)
Third Prize - $5 Amazon Gift card (provided to you via email)
Forth Prize - $5 Amazon Gift card (provided to you via email)
Fifth Prize - $5 Amazon Gift card (provided to you via email)

The contest begins today, February 12, 2014 and will run through March 12, 2014 at Noon EST. Winners will be selected on March 13, 2014 at random (details below).

There are a few ways to earn contest entries. You may choose as many of the methods below, allowing you to earn more virtual entry tickets.

- METHOD 1) Reply to this thread, and you will get 1 entry ticket. It's that simple!

- METHOD 2) For every 4 posts you make on this website, you will earn another contest entry. Maximum of 32 posts (8 entries) may qualify. Post must be "quality" posts (see "The Small Print" for more details).

- METHOD 3) Tweet the following to earn an additional 2 entry tickets - You may tweet once every week to earn additional entries:

Be sure to include the #3dprintcontest Hash Tag, because that's the only way we have of tracking entries.

- METHOD 4) Publicly share the following on your Facebook wall and earn an additional 2 entry tickets - Only 1 share will be counted per FB account.

Then post here with a link to your Facebook profile. If you don't, there is no way we can track your entry.

- METHOD 5) Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/3dprintboard and earn an additional 5 entry tickets. If you are already following us, no worries. You will still be eligible.

Winners will be chosen at random. Each entry will be assigned a number in a random number generator database script that we will use. The forum will automatically assign numbers for the entries made on this site, and only posts made on or after February 12th will be counted. We will manually assign entry numbers for the Facebook and Twitter entries. We will choose the winners and post the list of winners in this thread on March 13th sometime after Noon EST. If possible we will try and have a live video of the drawing hosted on this site, but no guarantees.

- All posts made shall be quality posts in order to qualify for entries. No spam, and no "junk posts" will be tolerated. This means that all your posts must appear to be carefully thought out, and not made solely to qualify for additional entry tickets. We reserve the right to disqualify any entrants that do not follow this rule.
- Only 1 participant per household is permitted. We will check IP address and eliminate anyone that we feel is not following this rule.
- 3DPrintBoard.com reserves the right to disqualify any winners for any reason we determine to be necessary.
- Winners that we select are final. There will be no recounts, or re-drawings done.

count me in