Another suggestion... you're doing a free scan and you've rotated the model window to double check the auto alignment, and press Continue. Next time the scanner finishes its next pass you've got to rotate the model again.
IIt'd be nice, if the software wouldn't do this, but leave it where it was, as usually you next pass will be in the same area.
Worst case, in the View drop down you could have a small trackball navigation window, like you get on most CAD packages to speed up movement.

Undo the View, drop down, you could have a History or tree like window, or a subset within the Scan tab, that you could use to take out bad scans. I just noticed later down the line, after I shad canned and continued, I had a stripey scan, and it has left a texture on the model. I think it was caused by not enough background light, but I've just done another and after boosting the light levels it has come back.. there's always Next>Align>Delete Model
