
More feature requests, please don't take this the wrong way. I only have 1920x1200 pixels on my active screen, so I don't know if there any other "buttons" below, but I'm pretty sure there isn't.
Definitely really liking the scanner, but the software and its layout is way too clunky, and could be better. I'm not your typical user, as have spent half a life being a "creative", worked on user interfaces, and so always asking questions.

1. i'd like to see a more consistent top menu and maximise my screen space (yes I know it's just one line), so something like Shining 3D or EinScan -S | File | Edit | View? | Scan | 3DKER | Help. Under the EinScan-S or Shining 3D tab you might have the About, under the File tab you could have New, Open, Save, Save As or Export, under the Edit tab, would be Undo & Redo.
2. I'd like to see floating windows, that could be resized, and I don't need to see a alignment splash screen all the time, but opening a calibration window when you select Scan>Calibration would be useful. View might be a fit to screen, zoom option, it might also add tick box options for possible floating windows, like Left & Right cameras, the current scan window. I don't need such big camera windows, I'd rather like a bigger main window, so I can check the auto alignment without zooming in and out like I have to do at the moment. Some of this is because I'm using a letterbox 17" laptop screen, but I think the workflow can be improved.
3. Under Scan you'd have Turntable or Free-Scan, but also Calibration, and maybe some other options.

Whilst I've been free scanning, trying to undo has been an issue, but Delete Model works most times, and you have to be vigilant to not let odd areas get into the scans. Also I'd like to start a scan Project under say File>New Project and that way I could save my free scans in this area. I could stop scanning, and return to it, by opening this project file again, and adding to it later.
I'd also like to be able to export the raw data, that I can see before it gets meshed, this way you could do bigger sized objects...although I can do that now.

That'll do for the moment.
Anybody else want to chime in?