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  1. #1

    Strange problem with heated bed not reaching temperature

    I have a RAMPS 1,4 with repetier 0,91 firmware
    My heated bed has been working sorta.
    The problem is that I am using a 3mm stainless steel plate for heated bed.

    If i put a box or something onto the bed, the printer could heat to 100° C in ~30min.
    But when i removed the box, the powersupply could not deliver enough juice to keep it hot, the temperature was falling slowly.

    So I have increased the vorking voltage from 12V to 17V.
    It works and the bed heats fast, but not past 60 degrees, then the output shuts off and never on again.
    I dont get any error reports. All seems to work fine. The same error occurs when I control from repetier host or manually preheat. So the problem must be in firmware.

    I dont know where I should look for a problem.

    Before the voltage change the printer worked and I could print ABS.
    I use 17V for the heated bed only, the rest is 12V (steppers and hotend)

    I hope someone have a suggestion.

  2. #2
    Sorry I can see that I have posted the wrong place.
    I have solved the problem.

    The mosfet switch got too hot and desoldered itself from the ramps.
    I will replace it by a better one or attach a heatsink + fan to cool the entire ramps board

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