Quote Originally Posted by MBSupport View Post
Roberto gives great advice! If the nozzle is stiff forcibly move it up and down until it moves freely. If the issue persists I'd be happy to send you a replacement Smart Extruder.
The nozzle currently moves pretty freely. I'll see if I can loosen it up anymore though.

During the Homing process, is the plate supposed to stop rising as soon as it touches the nozzle? Or is it supposed to push the nozzle up a little before it realizes it has made contact? Because right now it pushes the nozzle up as far as it can go and then raises a little more. It just seems like way too much.

Unfortunately our printer is out of warranty and being a work printer, I need approval before I can order another extruder which could take weeks to go through. We're also in Canada which tends to make things a little more difficult as well.