Today I tried using different hosts and firmwares. I tried Pronterface using the same Marlin firmware and the same gcode I was using before and I got the same result. So this leads me to believe the host is not the problem. Also, since I put the gcode into the gcode viewer and everything seemed to be just as it should I believe Slic3r is working correctly. I re made the gcode file using Slic3r as an external application with no success. I am currently trying to configure Repetier firmware with little success. It homes and moves to the right distances correctly, but when I try to print it homes and stops. I'm not sure what is going on there, possibly a temperature setting. I really don't know. I am running out of ideas of what is could be.

Any help is appreciated, it is quite important that this thing works as it is holding up a major project.

Thank you,