Quertz! I wish you had been in on the phone conversation between me and our software engineer James Townly today!
James is just starting to work on the printers abuility to accelerate and decelerate the mirrors movement.
To make that work we will be turning the laser power up and down with the speed of the laser dot. Acceleration is the feature we need to fix the bright corners and starting points, which are caused by the printers slew rate.
I was just saying to James how if we were to de focus the laser and do long exposures of say a 1 cm wide laser spot
then perhaps the light would be more in the cameras dynamic range, because right now the laser spot is a bit over exposed.

Your right This is a good way to test for even exposure. Its awesome that you had this valuable realization all on you own!
and since you did I bet you would be interested to watch this video to see how far we ran with the same realization.

There are lots more pics and a gif of one of the captures in Update #37
also you may notice that there are no bright corners the animated gif of the Julia vase in update #37, that is probably because
the printer was shining so far ( deap in to that box) that the mirrors didnt have to go very fast draw the picture. The slew rate of our mirrors will have a negligible effect
if we move slowly Hence why slowing down for corners is a good idea.