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  1. #8
    Engineer-in-Training Hugues's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Success !

    Definitely overlapping at least 1/3 with the new scan area is helping a lot, as advised by Shining 3D in another thread.

    I managed to free scan a part on my bike, about 400mm by 400mm, low or medium detail setting, i forgot to check, but not high setting.

    I used around 20 scans maybe, it took me around 1 hour, most worked with automatic alignment, except for one tricky part on the left side, i had to manually align, but despite this the system did not manage to align the part, so i deleted that last scan and came back to this problematic area from another side.

    And the dimensions are pretty good, measured 347 mm between 2 screws, reality is pretty much 347mm, +/- 0.5 mm maybe.

    Cool ! scan can be seen here, 25 meg only stl file:

    Now, one cool new function would be to be able to stop a scanning session, save it (in whatever internal format you use) then re-open it later and continue the scan. This way we could scan quite large parts, like my whole bike :-)
    Last edited by Hugues; 07-06-2015 at 03:00 PM.

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