Not the engine you think. Its not an internal combustion engine nor is it what appears to be a steam engine. From everything shown, its being run off compressed air. Its simply a compressed air reciprocating device. Not that that isn't an achievement itself.

But I would love to see what happens if he really fed it from a steam boiler. I would bet it would warp beyond function in very short order. The melting point of ABS is around 105c. Steam starts at 100c (212F) and goes up from there when it becomes super-heated steam. There is a mere 5C margin of error here before the steam can actually melt ABS parts. I suspect warping will occur at far less than 105c.

It doesn't say what he printed it from, looks like ABS. Doesn't look like any high temp stuff like Nylon.

Most of the time if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, its a duck. This time I think its a chicken.