Good morning all,

I just switched over to a new hot end, the Prometheus V2, and I am having some issues with tuning the PID of the thermistor.

I am having large swings I the hot end temp @240 for printing ABS, down to as low as 227 and as high as 251. On the original hexagon hot end that came with the machine I didn't notice more than an occasional 1 or 2 degree difference, right now the temp is constantly swinging through the range of ~227 -~250.

Using pronterface I've run the M303 (M303 S240 C10) command several times, and I seem to come up with different results ever time I run it. My current settings are:

P: 11.32
I: 0.52
D: 62.10

Does it matter what temp the nozzle is t when you start auto tune?

What at about different temps? If I autotune at the default, just using M303, at 150 will that be a bad setting for printing ABS @ 240?

I'm running a print right now, but afterwards I will let the hot end cool and rerun autotune and post those results also.

Thanks for any advice!
