I leveled the bed via the LCD. If you load the filament first, isn't that going to make one heck of a mess oozing plastic with a paper sliding around underneath it? And possibly set the paper on fire?

Now there's a pool of plastic stuck to the extruder. I take it I'm going to have to lower the bed manually and turn on the extruder's heat to get this off. And I'll be guessing my way through it with the LCD. I'd be fine with that if there were no way to damage the machine but the original instructions that came with it, a simple walkthrough, says yes you can damage the machine.

So, how much time do you have between load filament and test print? Following the original instructions, it said load the filament/turn on the extruder heat, then prep your object for printing. Not really, if the filament's oozed out and globbed onto the print bed.

Quote Originally Posted by Roob0481 View Post
When you did the bed leveling was it through Replicator G or did you access directly through the menu on the LCD screen on the printer? I would load filament prior to leveling. I would load filament, level, and then do whatever test print you'd like.