Quote Originally Posted by AmyInNH View Post
Is there any manual that says what all the settings are? I just got a Creator Pro, my first printer, and am leery about pushing buttons as it doesn't seem to have intuitive behavior.

I ran bed leveling and upon completion ("ok"), much to my surprise, the bed sat there, right under the extruders. Then I prepared for the test print, the calibration box. I loaded the filament and as I prepared the sample calibration box gcode and moved the x3g file to the SD card, the filament oozed out and pooled up and around the extruder.

Also, no documentation under ReplicatorG's Help/Offline Documentation. Would anyone know where this file should be? The error message on the console says "Could not load offline documentation."
When you did the bed leveling was it through Replicator G or did you access directly through the menu on the LCD screen on the printer? I would load filament prior to leveling. I would load filament, level, and then do whatever test print you'd like.