Dr. Jeffrey Weisman and a team of researchers at LSU Health Sciences Center-Shreveport have been working toward the development and eventual commercialization of what they call Bioactive 3D Printing using commercial-grade desktop 3D printers. They made waves last summer in using MakerBot 3D printers to make drug emitting implants for cancer treatment and infection, and as the research has progressed, the team has just been awarded a $40,000 grand/investment to establish their own lab space in Shreveport, LA. The 3D printed drug delivery system they are developing could enhance treatment options for localized treatment of such diseases as bone cancer, reducing the number of procedures required as a "bioabsorbable and antibiotic alluding bead" would not need to be removed after having been surgically implanted. Read the full article for more details about the latest from these incredible researchers: http://3dprint.com/73392/bioactive-3d-printing-center/

Below is a photo of Dr. Weisman working on developing 3D printed drug delivery systems in the lab with Uday Jammalamadaka and Karthik Tappa: