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  1. #1

    Undetectable Firearms Modernization Act Looks to Stifle 3D Printed Gun Development

    Following a series of tests the US Department of Homeland Security ran last month, New York Congressman Steve Israel and other Democrats are reintroducing the Undetectable Firearms Modernization Act, which died in Congress back in 2013. In 67 out of 70 tests performed recently in major US airports, TSA agents were unable to detect undercover teams attempting to sneak weapons past security checkpoints. A major component of the reintroduced legislation is the requirement that "certain major components of guns are made of metal so they can be detected," according to Rep. Israel. Because 3D printed guns rely significantly on plastic components, they are currently able to avoid detection in TSA security checks, and this legislation includes such weapons in its targeted aims. Read about the failed TSA tests and legislation proposal in the full story:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Wait wait so in order to prevent people from illegally carrying firearms these guys are going to introduce a bill making it illegal to carry those firearms? WOW! Holy crap I didn't realize just how smart politicians were! It seems so simple really, if something is illegal by law, all we have to do is create a new law making that thing illegal and it will stop happening! Why haven't we made it illegal to steal things? Or murder someone? Or drive your car while drunk and texting? If only a law existed to make those illegal things illegal we'd be so much safer as a nation. /sarcasm

    Seriously though, how bout get your heads out of your asses and focus on enforcing laws in meaningful ways instead of passing overly broad and redundant legislation?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Milwaukee, WI / Ft Walton Beach, FL
    Add Wolfie on Thingiverse
    Yea, its a crap sandwich plain and simple.

    “If detectable weapons can make it through security checkpoints, how can we expect to catch wrongdoers carrying undetectable plastic firearms?” Israel told The Hill.
    Oh, thats epic. Lets see, since we can't detect DETECTABLE weapons, lets make UNDETECTABLE ones illegal! F'ng brilliant. Morons.

    Lets apply that logic elsewhere....

    "Police can't seem to get their laser speed guns to work on current production cars so I propose legislation that makes it illegal to own a car that can't be detected by a police laser."

    Jesus. This country is in trouble.

    Hey, MORONS! How about you fix the system so it can find the DETECTABLE stuff first. Then we can worry about the undetectable stuff later? K?

    What could be worse than a gun that can be used on an airplane, but cannot be detected on the security line because it’s plastic? It’s time to modernize our airport security so the American people can count on it.”
    I can think of something. A bomb. Its MOSTLY plastic. I propose legislation that makes it illegal to make a plastic bomb.

  4. #4
    This is some multilayered stupidity here.

    "We have to do something about these undetectable and unlisenced firearms that can be made in every home without a trace!"
    "We should make it illegal to have a concealable firearm!"
    "We already did that idiot! What else can we do?"
    "We could make a law that makes it illegal to own an unlisenced firearm?"
    "No, we did that too!"
    "We could ban shooting people?"
    "What are you, a vegetarian?"
    "We should make it mandatory for all unlisenced metal guns to have enough metal in them so our police officers can detect and arrest them for illegal ownership!"

    In all honesty though, I'm guessing this will end up with a lot of helicopter parents and soccermoms going to try and push for the banning of toy guns, because you can make a firearm look like one.

    Also a lot of cops are probably going to be like "Well, that could have been a 3d-printed concealed weapon!" when they shoot a kid and after that outrage, they'll pass the law instead of ever getting proper training for their law enforcement officers.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    lmao - it's almost like being in the uk :-)

    And anyone who can look at airport security and find any logic in it - is defintiely mental.
    'No you can't take a pair of nail clipper swith you. - Oh you're in first class - well in that case we'll give you glass bottles and metal steak knives once you get onboard'.
    'Oh yeah and once you're through security we'll sell you glass bottles full of really flammable liquids and also cigarette lighters - but you have to promise not to open the packet on the plane.'

    Banning plastic guns (already illegal in a lot of places) comes from the same source.

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