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  1. #41
    Staff Engineer printbus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iras View Post
    I just purchased a used Prusa i3 which seems to be working for the most part. Previous owner was not the original, and doesn't know details about it. But I want to identify it. There is no maker information on the frame (I believe it is acrylic, not metal or wood). It uses a RAMPS 1.4 board. Can anyone identify it? Here's why I'm asking: I want to update the firmware to support an LCD display, and also in case something goes up in smoke, I want to be able to get it going again. I have a new Arduino Mega and RAMPS board, and I want to load them with test firmware and use them as the testbed (so I don't screw up the working boards).

    Is there a standard firmware download for these boards and this printer configuration, or do I need to start from scratch? Where can I find firmware to load for this printer, and if possible a configuration that might match?
    Could also be the original owner built it from individual parts and not even a kit.

    If you can capture the pattern the LEDs on the RAMPS board make at startup in a video, someone might recognize the firmware you currently have. Marlin firmware is probably used on the majority of MEGA2560/RAMPS setups, so that'd be something to look at. There are many sources of info like the RepRap Wiki, youtube, and such that walk through setting up a printer with it. What you'll find with firmware like Marlin is they are very configurable in order to support a very wide range of underlying hardware and applications. The bad side of that is there's a lot of configuration details to understand if you're applying firmware from scratch. What I would probably do is find download files for a Prusa i3 somewhere. They may not be directly useable, but that'd get you closer than if you started with a fresh copy of it. Since I am familiar with the company more than any other, I'd look at the i3 printers at MakerFarm. Download one of their build guides, and watch their videos. The build guide and/or videos will mention where to get firmware for their printer. Download it and review the contents of the configuration.h, configuration_adv.h, and pins.h files at a minimum until you understand them and can figure out where differences need to be made for your printer. If something doesn't make sense, google that parameter label to learn more about that setting. Consider starting a help-needed thread at this forum level and ask questions when you're stuck. Just be prepared to do some of the research on your own - you'll learn the most that way.

  2. #42
    Figured here would be a good place for my first post, Here is my current project I call her Fina. No belts ( Lead screws on all axis ) 320x320 Build volume. Almost done. I have to finish setting up software and mount my heatbed and electronics still.
    Photo as everyone likes photos.

    I also own a Makerfarm Prusa I3V 10" and am already planning a larger Delta build. I also Designed my own prusa Style Machine but have not started to build that one yet. Here is a video over view of it.

  3. #43
    i absolutely love that neon green on your machine, Kyo. Looking to purchase a folger prusa i3 kit in the following weeks and I would love it to be in that color.
    Last edited by hobbes; 06-27-2015 at 02:43 PM.

  4. #44
    Kyo, that looks a lot like a beltless Mendelmax 3. Nicely done.

  5. #45
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    That is a really nice looking printer. But will it move fast with lead screws on all axis?

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by hobbes View Post
    i absolutely love that neon green on your machine, Kyo. Looking to purchase a folger prusa i3 kit in the following weeks and I would love it to be in that color.
    That color is peak green, I should be getting more of it here when I place my next filament order. I really like it as well. I was hoping for something really bright and neon when i ordered it, but prefer how this turned out.

    Quote Originally Posted by jasonfreeland View Post
    Kyo, that looks a lot like a beltless Mendelmax 3. Nicely done.
    Thank You, I am really liking it. In the planning stages of another one a bit smaller for a friend just have to order the parts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
    That is a really nice looking printer. But will it move fast with lead screws on all axis?
    No prints as of yet, still need to mount my heat bed and order more filament. But from my jogging tests setting up and dialling in the firmware, it should be faster then I could ever need to print. I will throw up a video of it printing at speed once complete..

    I made a spare printed parts kit for this printer i could sale if any one wanted to build there own. just shoot me a pm..

  7. #47
    Roxy-- Here is a video I made a little while back showing movement and homing, Things were turned down here as it was only a test.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Cool machine kyo. what were you using for anti backlash on the rods?

  9. #49
    Currently I am not using a adjustable or anti-backlash nut on my lead screws. Instead I chose to go with a quite maintenance free grease free tribological resin nut..

  10. #50
    Speed test: 100mm/s.. Drivers get a bit warm when running 100-120mm/s for a length of time but I have some upgraded ones coming in the mail..

    After a few days tuning my drivers / motors and dialing in my firmware, I started to get some good prints!

    Nozzle 190 *c
    Glass Bed ( with tape no heat bed )
    60 mm/s
    0.35 First Layer Height
    0.2 Layer Height
    0% Infill Pink Panther ( 20% Hexagon Infill For 3DBenchy )
    3 perimeter layers

    I should probably start a build thread or something for this vs cluttering up this thread... lol sorry guys.

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