Quote Originally Posted by RickyRinson View Post
People can have a thyroid gland removed and then go on to live perfectly happy lives.
If only that were true, RickyRinson. Many thousands of people without thyroids due to thyroid cancer, Grave's Disease, or other thyroid diseases, are living with continuing and disabling hypothyroid symptoms which make our lives challenging at best. The medication most thyroidless patients are prescribed, synthetic T4, is ill-equipped to deal with the ongoing symptoms of pain, exhaustion, depression, anxiety, IBS - frankly, the list of symptoms is too long to list here. In addition to the thyroid medication, many patients are also prescribed antidepressants, pain medications, sleeping pills, tranquilizers, etc., and then told their ongoing symptoms are all in their heads. I lost my thyroid 10/16/2010 to papillary thyroid cancer, and life has never been the same. I, like so many other thyroidless patients, would jump at the chance to once again have a healthy thyroid. A quick google search will reveal the enormous dissatisfaction of patients with current thyroid treatment. Just take a look at the comments of the many thousands of sick and unhappy thyroidless patients on any of the online thyroid groups.