Yes, thanks for the great response. I'm really excited about the printer.

Are there any other I/O pins for output on the peachy board? It sounds like there is a drip sensor pin on the board ; wondering if there's another pin for output besides USB, or if the expectation for this hardware version is that the Peachy software would signal other (separate) devices (like a drip assembly) through other I/O mechanisms on the computer.

It seems like long term, the printer (or its successor) should have the capability to signal the zlevel rise directly rather than relying only on external passive decoupled drip + detection. Since the travel path of the laser for each layer is variable, to get optimal print speed it would benefit from being controlled by signal rather than depending on an external sensed rate. But I can certainly see where it makes sense to focus engineering on a whole list of other areas, like laser speed and accuracy, and variable laser focus and power output that need to be tackled first. It might be a bit silly to build a super accurate, super fast Z level control mechanism to support larger build areas if the laser speed / power needed requires minutes to cure each layer. =) Still, accurate, controlled z-level on smaller volume build areas is still useful and important.

>We have yet to Write a feature where you get N calibration points. ( Right now you just get 8.)
Can you comment on this further? 8 points for which calibration? for Z or for XY?

I picked up a used 300cc fuel injector on Ebay for really cheap. The math suggests that for the ~2'x2' container, @~40psi the injector should be held open about 80ms per pulse to get 0.33ML, the amount needed to raise 1 micron in this container. (roughly) Assuming that salt water flows similarly to gasoline, and the used injector is in more or less good condition, and the thing is actually accurate. That's a lot of assumptions. Will need to experiment and see if it's in the ballpark.

I also picked up a peristaltic pump. It's a bit hard to tell from the specs what the pulse size will be. Anyway, I can play with both ideas. What size pump are you playing with above?

I'm not going to attempt to run anything bigger than 2'x2' for now. That size is still manageable to build UV cage around for safety (not to mention it will be a while yet before you guys are ready to ship). And anyway, even if the injector can do the z-level rise at ~12.5 pulses per second as the napkin math suggests, the laser speed has a long way to go before it can cure that many layers per second (if it's even possible to go that fast).

What is the layer height you are using on your test prints? With surface tension and other effects, how would you say the printer is performing with respect to z-layer height?