Hey Tosterboy
The peachy printer is very easy to modified and it was built with that in mind, including the way we write the software.
You can definitely signal the drip detection pins with other things like photo interrupters or reed switches, what ever you like.

As for deflection
We typically print with deflections of up to 20 degrees ether side of zero. ( so 40 deg total swingl)
But even the peachys max deflection is very easy for you to change by changeing the spring force ( moving a few magnets)
By lowering the spring force you can get the mirror to go a full 180 deg (not that the laser will hit the mirro at this point, but you cant do it.

We have yet to Write a feature where you get N calibration points. ( Right now you just get 8.)
and because higher deflections require dealing with many none linear we ares We plan to avoid them for the time being.