Quote Originally Posted by Chayat View Post
I'm interested to know what has been learnt about the base for a print. You seem to be using a bit of wire mesh has there been experiments with mesh size, orientation and the like?
basically any porous bump surface works great, we have printed on aluminum window screen and the 1/4 mesh you see in our recent videos.
very early on ( befor the crowd funding ) i printed on the rocks you get for a fish tank.... i would just fill the bottom half of a jar with rocks and every print came out with about 10 pebbles attached.... it made starting the printer again a breeze.

as for what dosent work
flat smooth surfaces... in the crowd funding video some of our prints were done on the iner surface of an aluminum can that we cut open... you could blow those prints off there bases .. it was annoying but it looked smooth and didn't distract the eye from the action in the shot.