Hey Rylan, Great update!

I'm really a noob to 3D printing and since this is now finalized, can you please describe the workflow from creating / downloading an stl file to printing it?

Is it something like:
1. Create / download STL
2. Connect Peachy to PC by USB
2. Open STL in slicer / custom peachy software?
3. Print to peachy from above software?

Also after looking at the form1 forums it seems that their most common hardware issues have been laser diodes failing (creating a wide beam of light - resulting in partially cured resin all over the place), and cleaning mirrors, possibly just an issue due to them not wanting users to do this badly and damage the mirror. From what I've seen it should be easy to replace these parts on the peachy, but I'm wondering if there will be any special instructions for this, or will it just be a case of replacing the parts?