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  1. #1

    Weird problem with straight lines


    I've had this problem for a while. Basically, on some straight lines the print looks warped and curvy, quite hard to explain but here is a picture:

    This is at 0.3mm but even with at that low resolution I think it shouldn't look that bad.


  2. #2
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Lone Star State
    So... There are people here that know much more about this stuff than me. But if this was happening to me, I would try putting 4 or 5 of these parts on the bed and printing them all at once. That way, each part gets a chance to cool down a little bit before the nozzle comes back to it. It looks to me like some parts of the print are getting too warm.

    Somebody else might have something wiser to say... But until they jump in why don't you try printing a bunch of them and see if the problem goes away?

    Also, it kind of looks like you are extruding a little bit more material than you need to. Have you calibrated the extruder with the filament you are using?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
    So... There are people here that know much more about this stuff than me. But if this was happening to me, I would try putting 4 or 5 of these parts on the bed and printing them all at once. That way, each part gets a chance to cool down a little bit before the nozzle comes back to it. It looks to me like some parts of the print are getting too warm.

    Somebody else might have something wiser to say... But until they jump in why don't you try printing a bunch of them and see if the problem goes away?

    Also, it kind of looks like you are extruding a little bit more material than you need to. Have you calibrated the extruder with the filament you are using?
    I'll give it a shot.

    I calibrated it for a spool a long time ago which was 1.77mm in diameter and pretty much every spool I have now is the same so I just kept the extrusion rate. I'll try lowering it and do some printing tomorrow. Gonna head to bed now but I will report back tomorrow.


  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
    So... There are people here that know much more about this stuff than me. But if this was happening to me, I would try putting 4 or 5 of these parts on the bed and printing them all at once. That way, each part gets a chance to cool down a little bit before the nozzle comes back to it. It looks to me like some parts of the print are getting too warm.

    Somebody else might have something wiser to say... But until they jump in why don't you try printing a bunch of them and see if the problem goes away?

    Also, it kind of looks like you are extruding a little bit more material than you need to. Have you calibrated the extruder with the filament you are using?
    I fixed it

    I noticed there was quite some slack on my Y belt so I tightened it up and I also raised the Z offset a bit and reduced my Esteps/MM and the print came out perfect

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Nice! Just make sure not to over tighten the belts as they will loose their tension over time.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by raysspl View Post
    Nice! Just make sure not to over tighten the belts as they will loose their tension over time.


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