Using the less obvious settings in the wifi section I was able to establish a client connection to my router no problem. But it is not really useable because although the connection is stable and stays connected for interacting with the machine settings and such, as soon as I try to download files to the machine storage it errors out and disconnects (let alone drip feed of the g-file while printing!). Also the wifi power-on state is not persistent between machine power cycles so it requires going to the machine panel menus to turn on and it's typically not worth the time! Frankly, I'd prefer if the machine had a (reliable) ethernet port and if I needed wifi I'd hook it to an external acces point!
It appears to me that there are protocol errors in the transfer section of the firmware that FF has yet to identify and work out. Maybe at some point they will!
I'm using latest firmware and Flashprint (OSX flavor).