We send the printers out with established "recipes" - ratios of flow rates and temperatures for different materials and nozzle sizes. These are used when slicing, to create the gcode.

The Eiffel Tower lends itself to Stereo Lithography because of the huge number of isolated builds (starts and stops) that would leave strings to be cleaned up on most Deposition Modeling printers. I have been meaning to cad up a nice sample piece with complex curves, and slice it for various layer heights and print it in various materials as well, but I haven't gotten to it.

We have our own community forums set up, but I haven't had time to go through and finalize it to go live (or the go-ahead). Hopefully we will do this before too long.

We have several heads in development at present, including the heated EMO-25 (VOL-25, up to 100C) for materials (like wax and chocolate) that don't flow at room temperature; several laser heads for cutting foam, separating anchor pads, etching revision numbers onto parts, etc.; a 3mm filament head; 1.75 and 3mm filament heads to go up to 400C (present filament heads go to 260C); and more. We are working on other heads as well.

Lead times are approximately eight weeks after we receive the deposit.

If you'd like to set up a skype/teamviewer session, you can try the printer out yourself. Just let me know.
