Let me first say, that I do not know very much about this company. I'm not in a position to speculate, but I do have an opinion. I think they are going too far off the map with the design and it will be a big flop. The thing looks like a R2d2 knockoff.

It's good that someone realized the origional kwambio platform idea was a mistake. But re-routing investor dollars on something so risky seems silly to me. No files? As a sales pitch, Are you kidding? Who ever said, 'I hate computers and 3d printers because they have files'. It's like trying to invent a problem and then trying to sell a product benefit based on a problem no one actually has. I suspect a creative, but highly mis-guided team. I sure hope it works out, but someone has to stop thinking that innovation means to do it all differently, and realize that real innovation means doing it better.

The original kwambio platform caught my attention because they would end up being direct competitors to my 3D printed products business. But now that I see them spreading themselves so thin, I know there is nothing to worry about.