For ABS - grab a glass plate. Put a bit of washable glue stick on the glass surface, and your prints won't budge. Let it cool down when finished, then you'll easily be able to remove the finished work. Blue Painter's tape is meant for PLA builds. When I want to switch to PLA, I just add the painters tape to the glass surface, and again, use the same glue stick. I got this glass plate from Amazon - fits perfectly on the Dreamer's plate.
A bit pricey, but worth it. Conducts heat evenly, and the glass is thick. With any glass plate for Dreamer, you'll need to print a small plastic wedge from Thingiverse. It easily snaps on the base of the Z axis bar, that way the sensor accommodates the plate's new height due to the glass. Without this wedge, your nozzles would collide with the surface not realizing there is now a 1/4 glass present.