March 11, 2015 , 8:33 am Out for Delivery WAUKESHA, WI 53186

  • On Time
  • Expected Delivery Day: Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Dumbfounded. I am just dumbfounded. The package was sent Priority Mail 2-Day. Left March 5, 2015. Going (hopefully) to be delivered today, March 11th. 6 days later for a 2-day package and they declare it "On Time". <facepalm> Again.

So, it looks like the one from California might just arrive. So far its the only one of the three to show any movement toward Wisconsin. So, anyone betting on the 3rd package, California package, you win. Apparently. We will see if the truck can find its way here today. Its entirely possible with the way things are going, the truck and its driver just might decide to take it to Kansas or something.

Still, nothing has been or is showing signs of being delivered from GlobalFSD. Nothing. One deliverd to someone else. One stuck in Chicago since arriving from England 5 days ago.