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  1. #1

    Stupid question: How is my bed oriented?

    I'm trying to figure out my ABL G29 issues, and realized that the following lines in Configuration.h are _probably_ important.

        // Uncomment one of the following four lines so the Bed Topology Report can produce a map
        // that relates accurately to your bed orientation.  
        #define ORIGIN_FRONT_LEFT
        //#define ORIGIN_BACK_LEFT
        //#define ORIGIN_FRONT_RIGHT
        //#define ORIGIN_BACK_RIGHT
    How can I determine what my origin is? On my i3v 10" printer, when I'm facing the LCD... the x,y homing occurs in farthest edge of the bed, on my right. Is that the "front_left" or "back_right?"

  2. #2
    if the bed is all the way toward you, and to the right that is back right, if the bed is all the way away from you and to the right that is front right

  3. #3
    Excellent. I had it set exactly backwards... thank you.

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