Quote Originally Posted by rene1981 View Post

How is it possible that people can ask a lot of money for 1 print then?
Of course, I know you have also the hardware, energy costs etc. But, its still a low price...

Gr. René
Well for me, I'm a 3d modeler and anything I print is usually something I also 3d modeled. I take into consideration R&D time, how long it took me to 3d model an object. If I end up making molds and casting copies all that time is added into cost. You can't just base everything on material cost alone. Plus take into account how much you invested in paying for the 3d printer. You want to make the money back and all the time and effort, blood, sweat, tears.

I could go on and on. I guess it depends on if you are trying to make this a business or it's just a hobby. If it's just a hobby and you are printing for friends and family then just charge them material cost. If you have a dream of being an entrepreneaur then I'd advise against it.