Quote Originally Posted by rene1981 View Post
How is it possible that people can ask a lot of money for 1 print then?
Of course, I know you have also the hardware, energy costs etc. But, its still a low price...
- For me the answer is simple, 'time'. I consider my time pretty valuable, and since starting a print is not a quick process I tend to keep my prices between $10-$100 per print. For some my costs are not practical, but that keeps me from getting overwhelmed with print orders. (I do however offer heavy education discounts and discounts for any other organization designed to help our local youngsters)

Quote Originally Posted by bshadown View Post
An small question, how long a typical roll is?...
- A typical 1kg roll of 1.75mm PLA filament is 330m. A typical 1kg roll of 1.75mm ABS filament is 400m.
Resource: http://www.toybuilderlabs.com/blogs/...ume-and-length

Quote Originally Posted by bshadown View Post
...i want a faster way to measure the total filament used with out the need of Actually print the desing...
- Utilize the volume formula of:
V = (π*r²) * h
[Cubic Volume] = [ (PI) * Filament Radius(squared) ] * [filament length]

- So if your slicer gives you cm³(centimeters cubed) then you will want to use the following:
cm³ / (π*r²) = h

Example of 2cm³ @ 1.75mm filament:
2 / (π * 0.0875²) = 83.15cm of length