You've lost me here. Your screen shot is too low a resolution to make anything out, and problems uploading the g code doesn't make sense without more information. Alse, M92 X350 sets steps per mm for the X axis, not the extruder. You should be able to directly send g code commands to your printer by connecting to your printer, then clicking on the "Manual Control" tab in repetier host. At the top of the panel you can enter a g code command to send to the printer.

First, set your printers extruder temperature and wait for it to get to the correct temperature.
Second, send the following g code command to the printer, to set e-steps per mm for the extruder:
M92 E500
Third, send the following g code command to the printer, to extrude 10mm of filament:
G1 E10 F100

If that works, you need to go through the E-steps per mm calibration routine in the reprap wiki.