2/22/15 - Printed the top and bottom half of the tail and welded them together. Also printed out the right ear tip since there was room on the bed for it to fit.. (not pictured)

2/23/15 - Have 30 minutes left on the other half of the head.

with 3 hours left on the print for the Front legs I ran out of filament and it clogged up my nozzle.. I accidentally popped the print off the bed in my frustration..

I've unclogged the nozzle and am starting the print over again, But this time in black since I'm all out of that nasty olive color.. It didn't print very nice either.. I'm also running it at 200% speed as a test to see if It will still come out good at those speeds. Which would take a 7 hour print down to 3 hours.. I have also managed to weld the other half of the head and ear together..

I copy and pasted my updates from the RPF to save some time.