100nm x 10,000 layers = 1mm. Not a very practical print resolution at all. Not sure what the print would look like but it's pretty easy to claim this number based on software and hardware capabilities. Even if this printer is 10x faster than normal plastic extrusion printers it would take a looooooong time to do this. Even at 100x faster you are talking 100 equivalent layer times to print 1mm. That's 2,540 layer times to print an inch. The implication, of course, is that this means it will have amazing prints. This isn't necessarily true but it does capture our attention quite well!

On another note, with all the stereolithography printers coming out, what is the cost of printing with them? I assume the cost of the resin will come down but it seems pretty pricey now. Anybody have any experience with this type of printer and how much of the liquid polymer it uses?