Quote Originally Posted by soofle616 View Post
ABS needs to be kept warm to hot during printing to prevent curling. A couple things you can try that MIGHT help are letting the machine sit for a few minutes after the bed is fully warmed up before starting the print. This will help boost the temp in the enclosure. Similarly you can try upping the ambient temp in the room. I'm assuming you have the acrylic pieces over the top of the printer in place yes? If not, heat will escape up and out and that could be part of your problem.

As for bed levelling, you should be able to get a single piece of standard printer paper under the nozzle with a bit of drag. If there's too much, or not enough drag that could cause issues though if the first layer is printing fine and sticking that's most likely not your issue. Your temps seem fine but you didn't mention what your speeds are. 60-70/80-100 seem to work best for me. Faster or slower than that tends to result in ugly prints.

The filament diameter setting should be set to the ACTUAL diameter of your filament. This will vary from roll to roll even from the same manufacturer sometimes. If that is off it can cause all sorts of issues in your prints.
Yes, I have the acrylic pieces over the top. But, of course, there's a big hole where the wires go in, and slits in both side walls of the enclosure. I did a bit of poking around with an IR thermometer. With the platform set to 115, sides of the piece being printed are somewhere around 80-85, the extruder seat (black plastic piece) measures at 60. I'll try to block the slits in side walls and see what happens.

I've been printing at default speeds (40/55).

Are you suggesting that I should get a micrometer and measure the actual diameter of every roll?