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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Charleston, SC

    Best 3D Printer for the money?

    I purchased a OneUp kit from amazon. When the package arrived to my home, I saw that it had lots of tape on the box. There was a sticker saying from USPS saying that the package was delivered to them damaged. After taking it out of the box and following the instructions building the printer. The extruder would not get or keep a consistent pressure to extrude the filament. The unit I ordered was the heated bed unit. The heated bed kit is tiny (4x4) and the pins included in the kit to assemble the plug did not fit and I never have been able to complete the connections for the heated bed. The instructions were quite poor on which wire goes where. The gantry sags on the right side about a half inch low. The hot end is so loose that it could never print with any quality since it moves around. The unit has no end stops so its unable to zero out. From the get go, I had to modify the g-code to remove the auto zero command and a few other lines had to be removed to keep it from trying to rip itself apart.

    The manufacturer sent me the replacment for damaged parts and even sent a new extruder assembly. But still it cannot maintain normal pressure in either the included PLA sample or the SainSmart ABS filament and just begins chewing into it as if the hot end was clogged but it isn't. Overall Im quite unhappy with the product and have started a return on the printer (cross your fingers on that)

    Now for the fun part. I want a printer. I have about $1000 to work with and need to find a 3D printer with a decent size print bed that allows me to print in ABS and other filament. I will prototype in PLA but final prints will be in ABS, Poly, Nylon, and ninjaflex. I would like 6x6x6 or larger and prefer a fully assembled unit vs a kit.

    What 3D printer do you guys/gals suggest that fits into what Im looking for?

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    get a flashforge off ebay.

    Dual extruder, already built, decent build volume, very reliable, easy to maintain and fix.
    And in the uk you can get them delivered for £450 - $7-800

    You generally have to upgrade your printbed - either drop glass or aluminium on top. But that's pretty much it.

    Great bits of kit.

  3. #3
    You could look at the Printrbot Metal or one of the Makerfarm kits.

  4. #4
    there are always risky options as well. you could go with a no name chinese clone like this one:

    and get something fully assembled, (it's set up for 1.75mm filament. I asked) but the downside is you have little possibility to return it if you are unhappy. and it's not like the popular brands,where there are not lots and lots of people with the exact printer to ask questions of. Upside is it's a prusa i3 clone, and *might* have potential for some tinkering with. I'm personally leaning towards a makerfarm kit myself. All of the more reputable brands seem to be in kit form if they are under $1000

    I thought I would add, that I have no experience with 3d printing, and am simply getting ready to purchase my first one.

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