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  1. #4
    Peachy Printer Founder
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    The original peachy p18 (the one in the main crowd funding video)was very very fast to build, Thats because it there was one pice of plastic that folded into position and the mirors were already in place you just had break of some tabs and wrap a thread on, it was so simple. Just talking about it makes me want to figure out how we could go back to that design knowing all we know now.

    but that old design wasent orthogonal and it had lots of historeses so we moved away from it, we created much better printers that took way longer to build.
    I dont know how long it takes to build the newest printer but it will be far simpler than the one we sent the beta testers which took many hours to build.

    I dont know because for example just today i finally "finished codeing" a laser cut dripper
    that eliminates 30 steps from the instructions and is a far more reliable dripper. ( nice and parametric just the way i like it )

    The build time goes up and down like a roler coaster, literally it gose up slowly and down very fast, in a process like this:

    new/ improved functionality  = build time goes up 30 min 
    whiteboard, try, fail... whiteboard, try, fail 
    new/ improved functionality  = build time goes up 30 min
    whiteboard, try, fail... whiteboard, try, fail
    new/ improved functionality  = build time goes up 30 min
    whiteboard, try, fail... whiteboard, try, fail
    new/ improved functionality  = build time goes up 30 min
    whiteboard, try, fail... whiteboard, try, fail
    new/ improved functionality  = build time goes up 30 min
    wow this thing works great but what a mess discombobulated parts! 
    how can all these new things fit together better ?
    whiteboard, try, fail,
    whiteboard, try, fail
    whiteboard, try, fail
    whiteboard, try, fail
    whiteboard, try, fail
    whiteboard, try, fail 
    urika moment ! = keep all functionalities and build time goes down 2.5 hours
    luckely we have just had 3 ureka moments this month so the revision that were currently testing is looking great and i for one cant wait to see how long it takes to build from scratch once we have truly finalized it.
    Last edited by rylangrayston; 02-04-2015 at 08:42 PM.

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