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Thread: Better slicer?

  1. #1

    Better slicer?

    Is repG a good slicer for faster prints, or is there something else I should be looking at to do slicing?

  2. #2
    Senior Engineer
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    RepG doesn't slice, it uses either Slic3r or Skeinforge depending on which you choose.

    Choice of slicer is very individual, I did spend quite lot of time on each fo the ones available, about 4 weeks each and I settled on Cura but I still am not prepared to say it si my preference as it prints holes very small and there doesn't seem to be an easy way to compensate.

    Skeinforge is probably the slicer that gives you most control but it is quite old now, a long time since it had an update and it is being left behind as the printers change. Because of the ability to change almost everything it is probably also the most difficult to get right.

    I found Slic3r to be brain damaged with a lot of problems mostly related to the path the slicer chooses. Having said that it is actively being developed and does improve with each release.

    There are others that I have little or no experience with.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the clarification! So, what is it that rep g is actually doing?

  4. #4
    rep g is just the front end and the part where you edit the model.

    I use simplify3d... expensive but fantastic.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by dunginhawk View Post
    rep g is just the front end and the part where you edit the model.

    I use simplify3d... expensive but fantastic.
    I agree with him. S3D is my favorite by far, and slice's files so fast. But it's also the only one that cost a lot.

    I guess I used Slic3r the most before that, but never got a chance to mess with Cura.

  6. #6
    Super Moderator RobH2's Avatar
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    I use S3D also and have never looked back. Sure, it costs but you get a lot of bang for your buck. I tried everything in an effort to not have to "pay" for a slicer. I was convinced that if I became enough of an expert with one of the free ones that I'd be good to go. I even spent a couple of months diving way into Skeinforge. Talk about making your brain itch. It can do anything but it's a GUI mess.

    When I started printing things for other people for money instead of things for myself I realized that I was unable to deliver the quality I knew was possible. So, I then reluctantly, purchased S3D. I say reluctantly because I just didn't want to spend the money when there were so many free ones out there. I've used Slic3r, Cura, Kisslicer, Repetier, Skeinforge, Prontrface, Meshmixer and a few others. My fall back was Cura. I just like the way it worked. Kisslicer gave the the cleanest print I've ever gotten hands down but it can only write gCode to an SD card and I like to control my printer with my computer. But after I had S3D going, I realized that my reluctance was misguided. I wish I had bought S3D months earlier.

    I've talked about this before, but, I'm all about open-source. But you get things from a real development team that's for profit that you don't get from the open-source community. Some of that is fast adaptability. Simplify3D is constantly updating and adding features, many based on user feedback. Sure, it's $160, not a huge amount considering what you spend on printers and filament, but it's the best investment you'll make in your precious printer.
    Bambu P1S/AMS

  7. #7
    160 isn't bad at all! When you guys were saying pricey I was nervous about a 3ds Max style price tag($2,500) I'll definitely have to look simplify 3D up. Thank you!

  8. #8
    Super Moderator RobH2's Avatar
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    I haven't seen a commercial license of Max below $3400. If you can get it for $2500 you should snap that up.

    Yea, $160 is reasonable in comparison and worth every penny. So far no one has said they regretted it.
    Bambu P1S/AMS

  9. #9
    Whoops! Typo...Shoulda said 3500. >.<

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GamerDarling View Post
    160 isn't bad at all! When you guys were saying pricey I was nervous about a 3ds Max style price tag($2,500) I'll definitely have to look simplify 3D up. Thank you!
    It's actually $149. I just got it on Christmas for $140, they must have bumped it up some more :/

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