Well! It looks like Mosaic Manufacturing just had an update.
To sum up their blog post:
- They've more or less honed in on making the machine a consumer product (whatever exactly that means).
- They are testing the thing with a whole lot of different printers (though no specific list yet).
- Testing with soluble support/conductive/etc to see what works with what, again no specifics.
- Next update in mid-February, probably about beta testing.
- Crowdfunding campaign probably in March.

I kind of like the fact that they're not spending too much of their time blogging, but man, I was starting to forget they existed for a little bit. Depending on their price (and their crowdfunding site choice*) I'll probably be throwing handfuls of my money at them.

*Totally off topic, but I have utterly lost faith in Indiegogo. There are a few good campaigns there, and I have high hopes for the projects I've contributed to in the past. However, IGG itself has burned me now by being dodgy with my money and that loses my future business.