I have the same issue, and I'm getting close I think.
I dont think it's a matter of adhesion, since the shrinkage is so strong that it will just peel off regardless.
It seems the secret is ambient temperature. Since ABS shrinks with temperature change, you need to reduce the temperature change that the ABS goes through, and increase the temp-change time. So, run the extruder the coldest you can, run the bed the hottest you can, increase the ambient temp as much as you can, and cool it slowly when it's finished. You can still run the nozzle fan, and since it's now blowing hotter air, it still has a good effect but not so much of a temp-shock for the material.
I'm using cheap nasty ABS, printing on 130c bed temp with hairspray, 50c ish ambient temp and it's getting less and less warpy. Going to install 2x 50W heaters inside the case to raise the ambient temp some more, will report on my findings!