Quote Originally Posted by printbus View Post
Printing speeds are also pretty tough to compare. A set speed can't be met unless both Marlin and the slicer are configured for it or the slowest setting will dominate. Set speeds may not be realized if the slicer is configured for print thermal management that slows things down to maintain a minimum layer time. Even when high print speeds are observed in a viewer like gcode.ws, they may not be realized if a lot of the printed movement is spent in acceleration and deceleration. So, without knowing the overall context, hearing about someone's print speed may not mean much.

Being a month in, you're likely still fascinated by the printing process. Nothing wrong with that. I got to the point where printing started to get kind of boring, and I began wondering whether prints had to be going as slow as they were.

yeah i'm still in the honeymoon stage :-P

but as an example i just printed the kossel platterx3.stl in 6hrs 15 min. which is pretty decent