I didn't mean to sound like I was majorly complaining. It's more fustration at all the added hassle of identifying everything. For example, all the hardware (screws, nuts, bolts, etc) are in small ziplock bags without any labels, except the ones for the lcd screen. So the first step is getting everything identified and determine it's purpose.
I'm excited to have it and want to get it assembled. Also, I love putting things together. I still have my legos, constructs, robotix, k-nex. It will just take longer then what I'd like.
As for my plans, get it assembled and comfortable with printing and working with it. Then start modifying it. The only things I'd probably do right off is get a geckotek build plate, and or a different hot end (one of the 2 mentioned). Then eventually move the extruder to where the hot end is (or is it better to keep it mounted to the frame?). And down the road play with the double nozzle, but that's a ways off.
I'm just excited to have this new "toy," and want to do all these things with it. But I know, 1st things 1st. Get it assembled, and learn how to use it as it is 1st. Then start to play with it.