You can get sandblasting enclosures for relatively cheap. Of course, that is harborfreight, so quality is so-so, but since we're 3d printers, making appropriate modifications is easy. You could get away with a small setup for < $500 (I'd highly recommend a cabinet, or else you'll have to make your blast area look like a Dexter kill room every time you wanted to blast). Since I have access to industrial grade blasters (one of our 'cabinets' is big enough to get entire car into), I don't plan on getting a home setup soon. But these low grade home setups are excellent for our needs, low pressure and the media is relatively cheap. I go through 4-8 bags of media a day at work, but at home I can't see using much beyond a bag or so a year. Personally, I'd be interested in seeing how the walnut shells work on plastic, but I do know that 54 grit aluminum oxide at low (20ish psi) pressures does well on plastic for paint adhesion, but a higher grit would probably do even better.