Quote Originally Posted by jimc View Post
Just 2 layers over 15-25% infill isnt enough. You have to remember that the layer is going to droop a little over low infill and the more it droops the more round and less wide the strands are going to be. In the flat box you see they are not touching. Try 4 top layers. On the pig where the holes are, those top layers are actually perimeters and they are stepping over so far that its leaving holes. anywhere that happens slicer should fill that hole with your top layer but it probably has no support to hold it up in such a small area. Increase your perimeter # or infill%.
I Could probably print that model hollow with 2 layers and get a better top layer than that.
But I'd never print it at 0.1mm
0.2 is pretty much my high resolution print.
0.1 is just too thin.

And whatever the lowest infill I can get away with is. For a model with a lot of bridging I might go as high as 15% but normally it's between 5-10%

Anything more than 15 is purely for structural strength. And 15 is rare.