I have the scanner and I agree, still not a decent scan. The post that was offered by the company was more instructions and still NO SCANS!

All I am asking is:
1. take a picture of an object.
2. show us your settings and a clock showing starting time
3. do a scan of the object
4. show us the scan that resulted from the settings shown in #2 above
5. show us the time that it took to get the result shown

I'm not asking for more instructions, just show me how YOU get YOUR scans. The scans that you show on your web site as being samples of YOUR scans are well over a year old and NOT from the current state of the machine or the software.

In all fairness to Matter and Form I also own a MakerBot Digitizer and have had the same results with their scanner as well. I do love their 3D printer. I have 3D design skills, I have cnc skills, I have computer skills, PLEASE no more instructions, just show me HOW YOU GOT YOUR SCANS, nothing more nothing less. Thank you. Russ