Quote Originally Posted by nsarzy View Post
Thanks! I think I'm going with the powerspec pro. And I'm assuming since the powerspec supposed uses MK8 extruders, I could buy the flashforge upgrade kit and use that since they're basically the same, right?

I guess I could also print the upgrade but just need to find what type of spring is needed.
Nothing wrong with Mk8 extruders, I still run one side of my original FF with a MK8 and the other side an MK9. They do flex filament much better than the mk9.

You know what I did when my spring sprung out and got lost? I used the spring from a retractable ball point pen. I just needed to cut the length down so when it was compressed it did not flop in half. Yep.. it provided enough push to grip the filament and I haven't changed it since. The spring ends sit in cavities, as long as the spring fits in there its cool. Most of my repairs have been made from using parts around the house... old laser copier rods (which happen to be 8mm and the perfect length for a flashforge X gantry...)