In other news, holy christ what a learning curve this software has. Sadly, it took a print to fail 3 hours into an 8 hour build for me to dig into the options enough to really understand what I can actually do with the package. I was quite literally composing an email to s3d support to request a refund so I could go back to makerware when I opted to start digging in. I haven't tried another print yet because my day will be over before the print finishes so I don't want to leave the thing running until I get back on monday.

The short version is that I have some overhangs that exist quite high up on the part (like 80mm or so). The supports were being built as long, single line wide walls. At some point the nozzle must have clipped the top edge of one of the supports because it broke off due to lack of lateral strength since none of the support walls were tied to each other as they are in makerware. I've since discovered that I can add angles to the support infill the same way I can for part infill. Added 45 degrees along with the standard 0 and now have lots of crosslinking which should make the supports much sturdier and allow me to make them less denser overall. We shall see what happens when I fire it back up tonight