The Polyes Q1 is dramatically different from other 3D printing pens currently on the market in that, instead of using melted plastic filament, it uses stereolithography (SLA) technology to cure a phototosentive resin. As the pen spouts a stream of liquid resin from the extruder, a UV light cures and solidifies it as a user draws their 3D object. Future Make Technology, the creators of the pen, say their device includes what they call a “safety level sensor” which cuts out the UV light when the device is tilted beyond the working orientation.

This week or next the company will be launching a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign. You can read more about this latest 3D printing pen here: http://3dprint.com/31633/polyes-q1-sla-printing-pen/

Below is a photo of the Polyes Q1 pen in use: