I recently purchased a Robox printer and was wondering if there was an affordable alternative that had dual extruder options and could support a build height of at least 8 inches cubed, had options like stand alone printing and finally at least 50 micron resolution. I was amazed to see that Rapide lite has an 200mmx200mmx200mm build area (8x8x8) and can be upgraded to 400mm vertically! It also has a dual extruder option, 50 micron resolution, and in the next week or so is coming out with a lcd upgrade! Aside from that - IT LOOKS AMAZING.


Check it out and see what you think! I bought one and will post back comparisons with my Robox. Obviously I will have to print smaller items to fit in the Robox. While you're on the website - check out the 365mm eiffel tower they printed. Amazing. A printer that can print 400mm height at 50 micron with dual extruders for close to $1k. Won't find it anywhere else! Better pick one up before they raise the price!